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Rally 2012

Burrs Country Park, Bury, Lancashire

Rally 2011

Burton Agnes Hall, Driffield, East Yorkshire

 Rally 2010

Haynes Motor Museum, Sparkford, Yeovil, Somerset

Rally 2009

Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington, York

Rally 2008

Stanford Hall, Leicestershire

Scottish Meeting 2008

Blair Atholl, Perthshire

Rally 2007

Capesthorne Hall, Cheshire

Rally 2006

Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire

Scottish Rally 2006

Grampian Transport Museum, Aberdeen





In 2009 our rally moved to the Yorkshire Air Museum at RAF Elvington near York on Sunday 5 July. The airfield was the scene of BBC TV ‘Top Gear’ presenter Richard Hammond’s crash in September 2006. Despite the poor weather forecast we had a record attendance of almost 100 vehicles.

On the evening prior to our annual rally many members enjoyed a pre-rally dinner at the Best Western York Pavilion Hotel, Fulford near York.



Class 'A' - Amusing/unusual

1st - John Steele - RU 18

2nd - Geoff Dyer - CO04 GUY

3rd - Colin J Dean - M1 NJA

Class 'G' - No 1s or neat - not initials

1st - Gareth Reade - GOT 1

2nd - Colin Richards - T 4

3rd - Simon & Sally Instone - VYP 1/1 VYP

Class 'B1' - Owners initials letters first

1st - Don Kirby - DK 69

2nd - Kevin H Jones - KHJ 888

3rd - Yvonne Goodman - YLG 734

Class 'H' - Relevant to car or owner

1st - Jonathan Wear Driving School - LE54 NER

2nd - Colin Cowperthwaite - Birthday - C12 FEB

3rd - John Harrison - Registration Fan - 3890 RF

Class 'B2' - Owners initials numbers first

1st - Dennis Barber - 100 DB

2nd - William D Heaton - 10 WDH

3rd - Paul Evans - 9999 PE

Class 'J' - Any other number

1st - Roger Inman - SKY 41

2nd - Brian Mawson - RVO 8

3rd - Stavros Galanos - 5 DCY

Class 'C' - Owners initials - No 1s or low

1st - Elwyn Evans - EE 8

2nd - Fred Leigh - FL 3

3rd - William D Heaton - 1 WDH

Class 'K' - Classic car + interesting number

1st - Barrie Sharples - 123 CRY - MGC GT

2nd - Steve Waldenberg - KTM 111 - Jowett Javelin

3rd - Alwyn Stockdale - AO 2 - Volvo P1800

Class 'D' - Owners initials with date letter

1st - Henry O Heaton - M1 HOH

2nd - Amanda Jane Taylor - F1 AJT

3rd - Lee B White - L4 LBW

Long Distance

Brian Bates - F1 FLY - 351 miles each way from Devon


Class 'E' - Names

1st - Craig Duxbury - CRA 1G

2nd - Andy Stone - MR57 ONE

3rd - Tori (Victoria) Heaton - 1 ORY

Oldest registration present

Ken Barley - K 2 - 1903 Liverpool issue


Class 'F' - Collections

1st - The Taperell's - TAP 3, 3 TAP, 50 TAP & T4 PGO

2nd - The Heaton's - 1, 8, 10 & 300 WDH

3rd - Tony Taperell - TAP 74, 98 & 114, 5 TAP

Special awards

Stuart Perry - 1600 L - Mint Ford Escort RS1600i

Chris & Karen Thoroughgood - YHK 310 - Volvo with good display

Brian Bates - 32 B - Monkey Bike & good display

Jack Collins - WPH 2 - History of registration

Mark Byrne - C1 TYG - large motorhome with scooter - UR04 FUN

Thanks to all who supported the 2009 dinner and rally to help make the weekend such a success.

 Also a special thank you to our marshals on the day, Brian Mawson and Stavros Galanos, for ensuring the vehicles were parked in an orderly manner. Several organisations and individuals donated prizes and our prize draw ticket sellers, Lesley Waldenberg, Avril Galanos and Alison Lomax did a sterling job in relieving members of their loose change. Finally many thanks to our willing helpers for tidying up after the event - many hands make light work and your help was very much appreciated.









The Registration Numbers Club would like to thank all its valuable rally sponsors who help to make the event a success




Carreg by Personally Yours sponsors the rally site costs



MotorMarks sponsors the rally trophies



Regtransfers sponsors the rally marquee



Smashing Plates sponsors the rally programme


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Registration Numbers Club, 39 Winding Way, Leeds LS17 7RG

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Page last updated - Tuesday, 28 January 2020 16:44